The Crafts Council of India is a not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization or NGO which works for the sustainable development and growth of India’s handicrafts and craft artisans. CCI was founded in 1964 by Smt. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay whose passion and leitmotif in life was the survival, nurturing and growth of India’s treasure house of crafts and to make crafts part of the country’s everyday life. CCI has followed this philosophy and trajectory through multi prong strategies and programmes: workshops in design and product development, revival of languishing crafts, documentation, marketing, educate to sustain programmes for children of hereditary craft persons and lobbying for the crafts sector. CCI also acknowledges the skills and contribution of outstanding craft persons through Annual Awards.

The Crafts Council of India instituted the Annual Kamala Awards in 2000 in memory of Smt. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay to honor and recognize craft activists and hereditary craft artisans for their work.

The specific categories under which the Kamala Awards are given are:

Category A – Kamala Award for ‘Excellence in Crafts’:

The Kamala Award for Excellence in Craftsmanship instituted by The Crafts Council of India in the year 2000 recognises the high level and proficiency of skill achieved in his/her traditional craft by an artisan, as exhibited in his/her body of work executed over the years.

Category B – Shanta Prasad Award for ‘Excellence in Handloom Weaving’:

Since 2005, The Crafts Council of India has been administering the Shanta Prasad Award for Excellence in Craft. This award has been instituted in memory of late Smt. Shanta Prasad, CCI member and treasurer, by her family.

Category C – Kamala Award for ‘Contribution to Crafts’:

The Kamala Award for Contribution to Crafts instituted by The Crafts Council of India in the year 2000 honours a senior craftsperson for his/her contribution towards the development of traditional craft and the training of younger people in the skill.

Kamala Samman: The Kamala Samman Award of The Crafts Council of India is the highest among the Kamala Awards.  It recognises and honours a senior person whose long and dedicated work in the field has significantly benefitted craft communities and transformed their lives.

The Crafts Council of India invites applications from craft artisans across India for Categories A, B and C only. The application form should be duly completed by the artisans. No detail should be left out. The referral or recommendation letter mentioned in the application form can be given by the Affiliated state Crafts Council where the applicant resides. In the event of there being no state crafts council in the region, the recommendation letter can be given by a local NGO or by the AD – DCH Marketing office of the State.

If you wish to apply for Kamala Awards 2018, kindly fill in the application form attached in detail and send it to the following address by the 31st January 2018:




GF, Temple Trees,

37, Venkatanarayana Road,

T.Nagar, Chennai – 600017

Tel: 044 – 24341456

To view previous years Awardees, please see:

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प्रिय कारीगर,

विषय: कमला पुरस्कारों के लिए आवेदन 2018

The Crafts Council of India से शुभकामनाएं |

यह कमला पुरस्कार 2018 आवेदनों के लिए एक घोषणा है

यह पुरस्कार 1992 में हमारे संरक्षक संस्थापक श्रीमती कमलादेवी चट्टोपाध्याय की स्मृति में स्थापित किए गए थे – पारंपरिक भारतीय हस्तशिल्पों के क्षेत्र में उत्कृष्ट गुण पहचानने और सम्मान करने के लिए |

पुरस्कार के 3 श्रेणियां हैं :

श्रेणी शिल्प में उत्कृष्टता

रेणी बीहथकरघा बुन में उत्कृष्टता

श्रेणी सीशिल्प के लिए योगदान

कृपया निम्नलिखित नोट करें:

1) यह अनिवार्य है कि आवेदन पत्र विस्तार से भरा हुआ 

है और इसकी संपूर्णता में है। कोई विवरण नहीं छोड़ा 

जाना चाहिए |

2) एक सिफारिश पत्र आवेदन के साथ प्रस्तुत किया 

जाना चाहिए और सभी कारीगरों के लिए अनिवार्य है

कृपया उन राज्यों में सीसीआई की संबद्ध परिषदों से संपर्क करें जिनसे आप हैं |

ऐसे राज्य में जहां कोई सीसीआई संबद्ध परिषद उपलब्ध नहीं है, आप अपने राज्य में  डी – डी सी एच विपणन 

कार्यालय या स्थानीय क्राफ्ट एनजीओ से अनुशंसा पत्र के लिए अनुरोध कर सकते हैं।

अगर आप कमला पुरस्कार 2018 के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते हैं, तो कृपया आवेदन पत्र को विस्तार से भरें 

और इसे 31 जनवरी 2018 तक निम्नलिखित पते पर भेजें

The Crafts Council of India

GF, Temple Trees,

37, Venkatanarayana Road,


Chennai – 600017

Tel: 044-24341456

आपको धन्यवाद

The Crafts Council of India